Facebook Down! Now What?

September 23, 2010

When Facebook is Down, Update Your Shwaag.com Profile Instead!

Facebook stopped working earlier today, and sent millions of users rushing to Twitter to seek social connection. When we saw the explosion of Twitter users seeking a substitute way to spend time, we wanted to help out!

Our suggestion? Take a minute to login to your Shwaag account and update the “Things I Love” section on your profile! After all, we take our cue from you! If you tell us you love it, we work on bringing it to you.

Shwaag. Doing our part to help keep your “Status Update” skills in tact while Facebook works on a solution.

Shwaag Sighting: Francine Hardaway’s Laptop!

July 13, 2010

Francine Hardaway's Laptop!

You never know where Shwaag will be seen next!

We’re excited to announce that Shwaag has been sighted on Francine Hardaway‘s laptop.  Francine is well known as a “Geek to Human Translator,” social media guru, and serial entrepreneur.

Follow Francine on Twitter and Facebook, and be sure to tell her Shwaag sent ya!

Have a Shwaag Sighting?  Post a picture and let us know via @reply on Twitter, or you can send it the old fashioned way, via email!  Subject line: Shwaag Sighting to jsemerau (at) shwaag (dot) com.

Where will Shwaag be sighted next?